Tax Relief

Program Details

MidPen’s Tax Relief program is designed to support residents during the tax season (January – April) by offering a variety of services, including how to claim tax credits as well as where and how to receive free tax preparation services. See below for more details on each of these offerings. Contact your MidPen site staff for assistance and mark your calendar. Taxes are filed annually on April 15th or the closest business day to April 15th.

Claiming Tax Credits

You could be eligible for a tax refund of $5,000 or more when you claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit (CTC), and other tax credits. MidPen site staff can help you learn more about these credits so that you can receive the maximum amount in your tax refund. Fill out the GO Programs Interest Form to have MidPen site staff contact you for more information.

Free Tax Preparation

FREE tax preparation is available at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites for qualified individuals. Learn more about VITA here.

How It Works

Tax prep is provided by IRS-certified volunteers who have taken and passed tax law training. Volunteers maintain privacy and confidentiality and provide reliable and accurate tax preparation. Volunteers ensure you receive all the tax credits you are eligible for to maximize your tax return.

Who Is Eligible

(subject to change based on Federal guidelines)
  • Generally, people who make $64,000 or less per year.
  • People with disabilities.
  • People who speak limited English.

Where Are VITA Sites

To find nearby locations, use the VITA locator tool or fill out the GO Program Interest Form and a member of the MidPen site staff will be in touch.


Who should file taxes? Everyone earning income – regardless of immigration status – must file taxes. Most people don’t know that they’re eligible for tax credits until they file. Even those who don’t work may be eligible for credits in some situations. What is the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)? The Earned Income Tax Credit is a federal tax credit to help low and moderate-income families and individuals increase their financial stability. California offers a state-level version of this credit. Claiming the EITC can reduce the taxes you owe and increase your refund. Check out the EITC Estimator Tool to estimate your potential credit. What is the Child Tax Credit (CTC)? The Child Tax Credit is a federal tax credit intended to offset the cost of raising children and families. California offers a state-level version of this credit. Don’t forget to file your taxes by April 15th!

If you have additional questions please fill out the GO Program Interest Form or speak with your MidPen site staff.