Estrecia W.

Lives at Paseo Estero in Oakland.

A single mom finally has an affordable place to call her own after living with extended family for several years.

Estrecia is a longtime Oakland resident and single mom of Kaleb, age 7. As the primary caretaker in her family, she had been responsible for caring for and living with her grandmother. When her grandmother passed, Estrecia and her son moved in with her aunt in West Oakland, as she couldn’t find anything affordable on her own. Paseo Estero is the first time she’s been able to have a home of her own.

Estrecia had tried applying for other apartments before, but her efforts resulted in either no response or placement on long waiting lists. Having driven by Brooklyn Basin many times, she saw that there would be affordable housing included, and so she took a chance and joined the property interest list. She was surprised when she received a call, and the lease-up process for her was very smooth.

Estrecia loves the fact she has a home of her own, and she describes the community and Brooklyn Basin as “really peaceful.” Kaleb’s favorite part of living at Paseo Estero is the playground, she says, and the fact he has his own room where he can read and play. The family also loves to ride their bikes around Township Commons and other Brooklyn Basin spots, and they look forward to discovering more things to do in their neighborhood.